Monday, December 31, 2012

Jump Manual training for 2013

I have been using the Jump Manual on and off now for about 18 months. I got some pretty nice gains during my first 12 weeks of training. But, increasing my vertical since then has not been as easy.

In preparation for the new year, I have been going through my old tracking sheets, blog posts, YouTube videos, etc. to try and determine what has given me the best results and what hasn't. I've also been getting some coaching from Jacob Hiller (creator of the Jump Manual). He has provided some great insights and suggestions on how to improve which I'm very excited about.

The bottom line is...I'm not ready to give up the pursuit of the two hand tomahawk dunk. I know it's possible. So, how am I going to reach this goal?

1. Start Jump Manual again (I started this morning - Dec 31st). Going for 12 weeks and will finish this round of training on Saturday, March 23

2. Post a progress video every week (will post every Monday, starting next week). These provide extra motivation and help ensure I'm really pushing myself and getting all the workouts in.

3. Do Freak Jump Technique again. I only did this program for about 4 weeks back in 2011. But, in looking back at my old videos and blog posts, I got some of my best dunks during this period of time. Coincidence? I don't think so. Time to work on my technique again! I started it this morning.

4. Stretch every day. My flexibility has improved dramatically from when I first started training (couldn't touch my toes back then) but still needs to improve. Want to be able to get my palms flat on the floor.

5. Get to 7% bodyfat or less by March 23. I have been eating so bad during these last 2 weeks and the scale proves it. This morning I weighed 182 lbs and my waist was 35.5"! Ouch!

6. Get stronger! PR's to reach by March 23
Squat 1RM: 300 lbs (current max is approx 260 lbs going a little past parallel with good form)
Deadlift 1RM: 340 lbs (current max is approx 300 lbs)
Bench Press 1RM: 245 lbs (current max is 215 lbs)

So, here goes another 12 weeks of training. Going to really get after it. Hope you will follow along!

Happy New Year!


  1. Nice. Those are some solid resolutions. Keep it up! I'm still anxiously awaiting the video of a two-handed tomahawk and am fully expecting it to happen.

    1. thanks man! I'm looking forward to seeing some dunk vids from you soon as well!

  2. Good stuff man! Those are some solid goals.

    1. thanks Joe! How's that ankle?

    2. Much better, really didn't sideline me at all. I'm making pretty good gains right now with strength and my Olympic Lifts.

    3. Great news! I saw your last post saying you almost got one down on an alley oop. Sweet!

      I sprained my ankle on Wednesday playing ball but feels pretty good already which I attribute to all the lifting and plyometrics. Nice to heal quick!

  3. Mr candyman can you lease help me..i posted at your "some jump manual question" and can you please kindly answer me back..pleeeaasseeeee... T_T
    Gerco from philippines..
