Friday, July 20, 2012

Jump Manual at 40 years old - Week 9 Results

Week 9 of my vertical jump training went extremely well.  As I mentioned in last week's update, I decided to go back to doing the exact workouts outlined in the Jump Manual instead of the modifications I had made.

After only 1 week, I already know that was the right decision. How do I know? Well, since I track all my workouts, I know my lifts increased either in weight or number of reps on several exercises. That felt great!

Also, I
 decided to cut back on playing basketball from 3 times per week to 1 time per week. It felt so good to being playing on fresh legs!

So make sure you are getting enough rest. Recovery is HUGE!

I don't have a video to share this week but will make sure that happens on my next update. Thanks for reading!


  1. Glad to hear the change is working for you! I am almost done with 3 weeks and my vertical actually decreased about 1" Not sure why but it is very disappointing

  2. you may want to take a couple of days off and rest. or you may have just had a bad day. some days you can jump higher than others. sleep, nutrition, rest, etc play a big role.

    my best jumping days happen when i do a complete warm-up and am playing in a very competitive basketball game where my adrenaline is really flowing. i will jump 2 to 4 inches higher on those days.

  3. I am taking off until Monday and hopefully I will be back where I was. I am like you, I usually jump my best after playing a game. It also helps when people are there cause it makes you want to impress! When I tested the first time I was with a friend and this last time I was all alone in the gym. Can you watch my videos on my blog and tell me how my approaches are? I know you can not see the whole approach but focus mainly on the jump. My two foot jump is not the best. Thank you for all your help man!!

    1. hard to see much from that angle. on your next vid, try to get your entire approach. some of the things to watch for are (you may not be doing some of these -- can't tell from the video)

      - no stutter step
      - never slow down
      - your last 2 steps should be your fastest

      The one thing I did notice is on your 1 foot running jump, it didn't look like you drove your right knee into the air as much as you could. Try to really swing the arms and drive your off jumping leg into the air. also focus on jumping vertical and not a long jump. looked like you may have jumped quite a ways length wise (i have a bad habit of doing that too)

    2. I do not have a video camera so I have to use my Iphone. It does not have a very big field of view so I will have to place it pretty far back but I will try it tomorrow. I have watched lots of videos by Adam Linkenauger on approach. I do jump long like you said though and I do not know why. My 2 foot approach seems like I hop instead of step into it. I have tried to fix this but am having trouble getting it down. Have not done any workouts since thursday so I hope tomorrow I will be somewhat flying!!! Thanks for the tips
