Sunday, August 2, 2015

Feeling better! Lost 8 lbs

I mentioned in my last post about a month ago that I was starting a 10 day cleanse to help me get back on track with eating healthy and losing some weight. That ended up being a great experience! It blew my mind to learn how much the food you eat impacts the way you feel. If you have ever eaten super healthy for an extended period of time, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you eat sugar, processed foods, etc. on a regular basis (like I was), you may not have experienced this and you have no idea what you are missing. I didn't until I did the cleanse.

After those 10 days of eating perfectly - I felt absolutely amazing. Like, I can't even explain how much better I felt. I also dropped 8 lbs and most of the pain in my joints including my left knee are gone. What a difference!

Now that my body is feeling better from eating right and getting some recovery from months of training -- I'm ready to get back to training again. I am going to start my next round of training on Monday, August 10th and will be documenting my progress more regularly here on my blog and YouTube channel.

My recommendation to anyone out there who is wanting to feel better and jump higher is take a serious look at the food you are putting in your body. Eating clean is not easy -- but you will feel amazing.


  1. good for you, I am still 5-6 inches away from the rim, eating pretty healthy.

  2. Iv been eating healthy for 6 weeks now and it feels great! And also what did you eat for your cleanse because I wanna give it a try to see the results! Iv also been doing the jump manual for around 5 and a half weeks and you can check it out on my YouTube channel, name is Lj Bara and if you have any tips please leave a comment! And also I like your videos, why don't you make any anymore?

    1. I did a 10 day cleanse where you have a shake 3 times per day and then 1-2 meals where you only eat whole foods with nothing processed, artificial, etc. So like grilled chicken with himalayan salt and some vegetables.

      I will start making videos again soon!
