Friday, September 19, 2014

Got some nice dunks today

Just a quick update. I got 2 really nice dunks today. The best one wasn't on camera (of course). But, the second one was. Here's the video:

My training is going really well. I am actually doing less vertical training than I have in the past. Lots of basketball and short workouts. Here's the training schedule I've been following the last few months in case anyone is interested:

Monday - play basketball, run 1 ladder at full speed, speed rope
Tuesday - upper body (weights)
Wednesday - play basketball, 10 pistol squats, speed rope
Thursday - upper body (bodyweight exercises only)
Friday - play basketball, run 1 ladder at full speed, speed rope
Saturday - squats, deadlifts, zig zags, medicine ball throws, etc.

Anybody still out there? I feel like my blog is dead! :)


  1. Good work! I was wondering if you gave up. Now I have a renewed motivation!

    1. thanks man! keep going! i checked out your blog and looks like you're making progress!

  2. Still here. Still getting older. Still trying to dunk.

    1. LOL! how's that 400 lb squat going?

    2. About 6 weeks ago, before I had an umbilical hernia repair, I was able to put up 370 pounds for 5 reps. You can see it on my blog. As far as dunking goes, I'm going to get there before this next basketball season.

    3. umbilical hernia repair? i don't know what that is but it sounds very painful! how long is the recovery from that?

      370 lbs for 5 reps is some serious strength!
