Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Dreams or My Son's? Or Both?

So over 2 months has passed and I've not posted any updates! So lame! I see I'm not alone as the other blogs out there that I follow for tracking vertical jump progress also have not seen much activity.

Are we giving up? Anybody still training? Does anyone still read this blog? :)

I used to get quite a bit of traffic. But, of course it helps when you are posting on a regular basis!

The last couple of months I have been training some but not consistently. I have been spending much of the time I used to train to workout with my 14 year old son. Sometimes I miss playing and working out, but I love working with him and seeing him improve. He's made so much progress and still has so far to go to reach my goals (I mean HIS goals! LOL).

So...summer is almost here and that should allow us to do vertical jump training together -- instead of just skill work. Maybe I will "outsource"this blog to him and he can start making the updates!

Post some comments and let me know what you guys are up to.


  1. I'm still around. Like you, I'm spending a lot of time working out with my sons. Right now, I'm focusing on getting my squat to over 400 pounds. I'm using a program called "the Texas Method" and have heard a lot of good things about it. I'll let you know how it goes.

    1. How old are your sons? Haven't heard of the texas method. Let me know how it goes!

  2. I haven't updated in a long while. I still check here from time to time. I went on a hiatus because I had a rough basketball season. I cracked a rib and destroyed both my knees. I tore a tendon in my right knee (a hamstring tendon) and I also developed tendonitis in both knees. Because I was told to stay off my legs for about 3 months I ended up gaining about 20 lbs. I'm finally mostly healthy again so I am trying to lose that weight to get back to where I was. I have been working really hard on my upper body while I was healing.

    I say do as much as you can together. Not only will it help you stay in shape you will create create great moments that your son will remember forever.

    1. oh no! injuries suck! are you still working out at golds? my son and i are there every saturday and a few times during the week usually at night. maybe we'll see you there..

    2. Haven't been to AF in a while. I've mostly been at N. Orem and University. I'll have to try to get out there more on Saturdays.

  3. still working out as well. I haven't really try to measure it since my house got robbed a few months ago, and all my Jordans and ipod(for nike+ basketball) were stolen. I'm trying get another ipod or ipad mini and start measuring my vertical again. I got stronger (squat 385lbs pr and 315 deadlift), working on it to reach 405lbs. I just need to spend more time on explosion moves, so I can use my strength to jump higher. I'll be waiting to watch your summer training with your son on youtube soon :)

    1. oh that sucks! sorry man!

      that is a lot of weight! i haven't maxed on squats in forever but i'm no where near those numbers. are you doing any plyometrics? seems like you have enough strength...may just need to be able to apply that strength more efficiently.

  4. Hi guys! Hi Andy! Your blog is really inspirational : ). Would you guys check my video from today. My first successful dunk on that rim I don;t know height. I think its ~295 cm ( as usual rim is 10ft = 305 cm ). I think I was a bit sore but I managed to dunk the ball so I hope I can do better. I have been using the Jump Manual for ~ 8 weeks but with that school I haven't got much time so I do the workouts at home with pistol squats and 1 leg calf raises on the stairs etc.
    Here is the video of the dunk: http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=fzatc2>&s=8#.U53hWtTPJdg

    1. thanks man! i got to get back to posting more often.

      how much have you increased your vertical during these past 8 weeks?

  5. I wanna get some feedback about form etc. Thanks in advance! Have fun!

    1. you technique looks pretty good in my opinion. i'd like to see your approach be a little faster and more explosive. that seemed fairly easy and so wondering how much higher you can get with a faster approach. but, good job!

    2. hey mate! Sorry it didn't show me your answer previously so I wrote another comment o.O. dumb :D. Hmm I am not sure : ( sadly cause I think the only way I can measure is using some kind of tape which I gotta do soon. But before the Jump Manual I think I was like grabbing this rim but couldn't hang on it. And now at this dunk I think that day I was quite sore but I got my wrist over the rim pretty easily.

    3. Btw I am 17 ( getting 18 in the end of September ). I am like 6ft1" with standing reach (on heels) of about 240 cm. Which is quite low I don't know why... Friend of mine is 6ft 2-3" and his reach is 255-260cm :D. I am not flexible and probably. I would like to ask if u got some other way we can chat. Because I would like to ask u some things and talk about things when u have some spare time of course. Just another chat or something where its easier to communicate with each other and no need to wait for a response. Thanks in advance.

    4. are you on facebook? that might be fastest way to communicate. send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/andy.nicholson.169

  6. This point of view is better but a bit cut... http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2yv2ltt>&s=8#.U58lF9T8Rdg

  7. damn sorry for spamming thats why I would like to get another way of communication xD. P.S. I weigh ~73-75 kg.
