So over 2 months has passed and I've not posted any updates! So lame! I see I'm not alone as the other blogs out there that I follow for tracking vertical jump progress also have not seen much activity.
Are we giving up? Anybody still training? Does anyone still read this blog? :)
I used to get quite a bit of traffic. But, of course it helps when you are posting on a regular basis!
The last couple of months I have been training some but not consistently. I have been spending much of the time I used to train to workout with my 14 year old son. Sometimes I miss playing and working out, but I love working with him and seeing him improve. He's made so much progress and still has so far to go to reach my goals (I mean HIS goals! LOL).
So...summer is almost here and that should allow us to do vertical jump training together -- instead of just skill work. Maybe I will "outsource"this blog to him and he can start making the updates!
Post some comments and let me know what you guys are up to.