Monday, January 7, 2013

Jump Manual 2013 - Week 1 Results

I finished my first week of Jump Manual training for 2013 and am pleased to say it was a great week. I got in all my workouts including Freak Jump Technique and I even stretched everyday!

My diet on the other hand was not so great! With New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and my wife's birthday -- I just didn't have the will power to pass up all the stuff that tastes so good and yet is so bad for you.

I played hoops this morning and my body felt pretty dang good. And since today is my birthday (41 years young), that made me feel pretty good! I brought my vertical jump mat which makes it so convenient to test my vertical.

Last Monday, I did 2 sets of 6 no-step jumps and my best was 29.2". Only 2 out of the 12 jumps were over 29 inches.

Today, I did 2 sets of 6 no-step jumps and my best was 29.7". So 1/2" better. I'll take it. And, 5 of the 12 were over 29 inches so nice improvement there. Here's the video:

About 6 months ago, my best no-step jump on the mat was 30.8". I am absolutely certain I will pass that very soon. I want a 33" no-step vert by the end of this 12 week phase. That would get me to 39-40" on my running jump which would be amazing and would mean tomahawk dunks all day long.

Well, my birthday is almost over and at this age, I could definitely use my beauty sleep! Plus, I'm getting up at 5:15 am for my workout. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you have great success reaching your goals this year!


  1. What was your best jumping like back in the day? We're you close to dunking when you were young?

    1. Hi Jeremy,
      Back in the day, I could dunk every once in a while. But, never consistently. If I could go back in time, I would hit the weight room really hard. I had decent quickness and speed but not much strength. Back in high school, lifting wasn't really encouraged and some even said it would mess up your game. Things have really changed!

    2. You motivated me. Hopefully we can do this together. Check out my first ever blog, lol.

    3. so cool! i just posted a comment on your blog and excited to follow your progress! the race is on!

  2. Those are some good numbers! A 33" standing vertical is definitely within your reach. Keep it up!

  3. Happy Birthday! I just turned 32 the other day, and I actually forgot how old I was turning. Anyhow, can't go back, only forward!!! (A little wisdom I learned from playing the original Super Mario Bros.)

    1. thanks! happy belated birthday to you!

      i still love the original super mario! not too long ago we found our old nintendo and i hooked it up to see if i could still save the princess and get a million extra guys doing the turtle tipping thing. and i'm proud to say i still got super mario skillz! :-)

      the first time i ever stayed up all night was the christmas we got a nintendo and super mario bros! good times.

    2. I also loved how, with some of those Nintendo games, you would have to play continuously because you couldn't save your progress. Thank goodness Mike Tyson's Punch Out had codes you could enter.
      Any day with at least one reference to the original Nintendo is a good day in my book.
