Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vertical Jump Test - After 2 weeks of Jump Manual program

So I've been doing the Jump Manual for 2 weeks now and thought it was time to test my vertical again.You can read about and watch a video of my original vertical jump test at this previous blog post.

Yesterday, I did the same tests as I had done 2 weeks before. It's a little hard to tell if I've increased my no-step vertical. Maybe just a little? Not sure. I was feeling good about my one-step vertical as it seemed like it was about a 1 inch improvement. But, after watching the video it was clear that I cheated! I actually took 2 steps! So don't have an accurate comparison and will make sure not to cheat next time. :-)

My running vertical has increased about 1 inch. Before, I was grabbing the rim at the knuckle of my middle finger. This time I was grabbing the rim at about the top of my palm which would be about a 1 inch increase.

So a 1 inch gain after 2 weeks. Not too shabby. But, I wish it was more! At this rate, I would be looking at about a 6 inch gain during the 12 weeks. That would mean I would barely be able to dunk on a good day when the planets were aligned and the wind was blowing just right. I'm hoping for more like 10 inches! That would be over 11 feet maximum height and even without being able to palm the ball should be plenty to throw it down.

My no-step vertical seems way too low to me which means I've got to hit the weights harder! Depending on how things go during the next few weeks, I may alter my workout to do less plyometrics and more weights. Many of the "vertical jump experts" out there say you must be able to squat at least 1.5 times your bodyweight and I have a ways to go on that.

I will test again on Monday and hopefully by then I'll have figured out a better way to test and film my vertical jump. Wish I had an extra $600 so I could buy one of those vertecs! Those are sweet.


  1. awesome jump in the vedio i realy like that ...
    Vertical Jump Bible

  2. Hi, after reading ur blog, I have decided to get myself into the program and now I am on the 10th day jump manual. I just realize I can't touch the basketball rim as I can touched it before the program but I feel I can jump easily and lighter. Is this normal?

  3. @ Steven Au - thanks for reading my blog! It is normal for your vertical to go up and down during your training. Some days you will jump higher than others. But, if you find that your vertical is down for an extended period of time (several days or maybe even a week), you may want to take 1-2 days off and just rest, eat great, and stretch. Then go test again. More than likely, you will be jumping higher than ever.

    How is your diet? Are you getting enough protein especially after each workout? Are you stretching every day?

  4. Candyman: thanks man, felt more relieved after reading what u said. In fact i was just done with my weighting lost program, from 85kg to 73kg in 5months and now wanna do vertical training. My diet considerably healthy and filled with Protein intakes.
    Morning, I have oats or wheat breads with 2 eggs, and protein shake.
    Then to gym for jump manual training then another protein shake.
    Lunch, I will have steamed chicken breast with veges or salmons.
    Tea break, I will have a slice of wheat bread toast and 2 eggs and coffee.
    Dinner, beef or salmon or chicken breast in grilled or steamed with lot of vege.
    Supper, tuna in water and protein shake before sleep.

    Am I on the right track?
    How heavy u do Clean Snatch?
    How heavy u do for Hamstring curl?

  5. @ Steven Au - your diet sounds great! Keep it up!

    On the Hang Cleans -- the heaviest I have completed 6 reps is 175 lbs

    Hamstring curl - I go up to 110 lbs for my heaviest set

  6. Nice to find your blog with valuable information.

    Vertical Jump Test

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. For increase and how to improve your vertical jump this article is very great So Keep up the wonderful work.
